Have you heard?
Flour Confections is moving!
We needed more room so we could offer much more in terms of fabulous products and fabulous classes! We secured a new location mid September- not far away, just around the corner in fact - and started renovations the following week, just before I left for Tulsa! My life has been a bit hectic!
The new location will feature a larger retail area and state of the art multi-media dedicated classroom!
Construction is almost done and now things are really going to get hectic as moving will start - all the while I have orders to fulfill!
Our current location will officially close on November 5th at 6pm and we will open at our new location on Tuesday November 9th at 10am!
As of November 9th 2010, we will be located at:
1084 Brock Road (Salk Road) Unit 5
401/Brock Court Plaza (just south of the 401 in the plaza with Sweets Galore & The Facial Place)
Pickering Ontario
phone 905-492-2692
fax 905-492-2692
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
We're Movin On Up.....
Friday, October 8, 2010
Tulsa or Bust!

no this is not all mine!! Here is an array of fair food including: deep fried chicken, deep fried cheese curds and deep fried pickles!

and if deep fried is not your thing, then how about cookie dough dipped in chocolate on a stick?
Every year at the show, there is always a live timed competition, this year I was asked to participate. The theme was Nursery Rhymes & Folk Tales and the medium was cupcakes. Along with Gary Silverthorn, Dawn Coffin-Parrot and Peggy Tucker, we had 1 hr 30 minutes to complete our cupcake displays. It was great fun to do and fun to see what everyone came up with. Although my finished piece didn't place, I had a great time competing! Congratulations to Dawn who won 1st place!
here are the completed cupcake displays - left to right: Gary Silverthorn, Dawn Coffin-Parrot, Me, Peggy Tucker
I always plan on entering more, but time and life get the better of me, and I take what I can. This year I entered 2 divisionals and the Grand Wedding Cake. My cookies took 1st place in the Masters division and my wedding cake entry earned a Bronze standing. The entries this year were amazing - I'm so honoured to have been recognized amongst such a group of talented artists!

My winning cookies were hand cut using a template, iced with flooded royal icing and details were added freehand in both royal icing and edible food paints. Inspired by Fairy Tale drawings of artist Scott Gustafson
Now you would think I could sit back and relax....but no....lots more going on - stay tuned!
In the meantime, I will try to take a few minutes to think about my entries for next year......